*.xtal File Description (version 1) Deprecated

•Contents of File

This is a description of a version 1 *.xtal file that describes a crystal lattice and the included atoms.
These files are standard xml files, and follow all of the rules for xml.
ALL of the information is contained in the <cif> ... </cif> section.
The <cif> ... </cif> section contains the following tags:.

•Exmaple File, (Not Real Values)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<cif>    // everything about the structure is in <cif> ... </cif>
  <chemical_name_common>NaCl, table salt</chemical_name_common> // This is the name you want to call this structure
  <chemical_formula_structural>Ca5 (P04)3 (OH)</chemical_formula_structural>   // OPTIONAL
  <space_group_id>166:H</space_group_id>    // space group id, there are 530 of these. USE this, and NOT <space_group_IT_number>
  <space_group_IT_number>225</space_group_IT_number>   // space group number from International Tables [1-230]
  <H-M>Fm-3m</H-M>    // OPTIONAL, symmetry symbol
  <Hall>-F 4 2 3</Hall>    // OPTIONAL, Hall symbol
  <amcsd>0012345</amcsd>    // OPTIONAL, AMCSD number
  <icsd>18189</icsd>    // OPTIONAL, ICSD number
  <cell>    // the <cell> ... </cell> describes the unit cell
    <a unit="pm">564.02</a>    // for a, b, c, allowed units are Angstrom, m, inch, mile, yard, parsec, lightYear
    <b unit="pm">564.02</b>    // along with a prefix, e.g. "nm", or "pparsec"
    <c unit="pm">564.02</c>    // default units are Angstroms, this example shows pico-meters.
    <alpha>90</alpha>      // angles (degree)
    <temperature unit="C">20</temperature>    // OPTIONAL, temperature if known, and alphaT is the thermal expansion coefficient
    <alphaT>5.9e-06</alphaT> <!-- a = ao*(1+alphaT*(TempC-20)) -->   // OPTIONAL, also formula for calculating a(T)

  <atom_site>    // There is one <atom_site>...</atom_site> tag for each symmetry inequivalent atom
    <label>Na1</label>    // This is just a string to id the atom type, the labels should all be different
    <symbol>Na</symbol>    // the atomic symbol, first letter is uppercase, second is lower
    <fract_xyz>0 0 0</fract_xyz>    // position of this atom in fractional coordinates
    <occupancy>0.95</occupancy>    // OPTIONAL, occupancy, must be in range (0,1], default is 1
    <WyckoffSymbol>a</WyckoffSymbol>    // OPTIONAL , see http://www.cryst.ehu.es/ for Wyckoff symbols
    <DebyeTemperature unit="K">670</DebyeTemperature>   // OPTIONAL, Debye Temperature, units are C or F, default is infinite
    <!-- The Debye Temperatuers are made up -->   // an example of a comment
    <aniso_U_11 unit="Å^2">123</aniso_U_11>    // OPTIONAL, all of the U_ij and U_iso are optional
    <aniso_U_22 unit="Å^2">162</aniso_U_22>
    <aniso_U_33 unit="Å^2">1</aniso_U_33>

    <label>K1</label>    // so this is 95%NaCl + 5%KCl
    <fract_x>0</fract_x>    // this old style still works, this looks more like cif
    <DebyeTemperature unit="K">670</DebyeTemperature>
    <U_iso unit="Å^2">123</U_iso>    // or perhaps <B_iso>9</B_iso>

    <fract_xyz>0.5 0.5 0.5</fract_xyz>
    <DebyeTemperature unit="K">670</DebyeTemperature>

  <bond_chemical unit="nm" n0="Na1" n1="Cl001">0.2418</bond_chemical>   // OPTIONAL, n0 & n1 refer to labels of defined atoms, and the value is the bond length.
  <bond_chemical unit="nm" n0="K1" n1="Cl001">0.2399</bond_chemical>   // one line for each TYPE of bond.

  <citation doi="10.1103/328606a0">Smith, Jones, Gupta, Acta Cryst. 78, (2008) 020503(R)</citation>   // OPTIONAL, where this information came from